The Death Detail – Post-Apocalyptic Novel


The Death Detail
The Death Detail

The Death Detail is post-apocalyptic story with a dystopian theme and is filled with medical twists. It follows the perspective of an ordinary man who stumbles upon a secret that pits him against Leadership in a struggle for his life and the freedom of the remaining remnants of humanity. Check out a free excerpt or buy it now on sale for $0.99 though Sunday, May 31st.

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Written by Anthony Maldonado The Death Detail is the first book in The Securus Trilogy

AnthonySecurusPic450Anthony Maldonado was born in southern California on August 18, 1979. He earned a degree in biomedical sciences from University of California, Riverside in 2001 as well as a MD from UCLA’s school of medicine in 2004. He then went on to complete his internship and residency in Emergency Medicine, in which he currently practices. He currently lives in Southern California with his wife, Bernice.

Aside from writing, Anthony enjoys running, hiking, and dabbles in a bit of woodworking in his garage. He is fully in touch with his inner (really outer) nerd and enjoys video/computer games as well a range of entertaining movies and cartoons.

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