Star Trek

I always dreaded this film from the moment I first heard that Matt Damon was being considered as Kirk. But then something happened to make me think that this film was a good idea. That something was that I finally saw the movie. Star Trek is an institution (asls known as the ‘franchise that will …


Whilst it can be said of pretty much any work of literature, WATCHMEN is a book that is defined by those that have read it and those that haven?t. To clarify, those that have read Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon?s 1985 magnum opus (myself included) are typically fiercely in love with the piece, often to …

Watchmen, Video Footage and New Content

Over the course of the next month unseen footage appear in this Retro TV Set (Check out the ceefax!!!) this allows scifind readers to see the videos before everyone else. Want to keep updated? Make sure you have subscribed to our feed, or are following us on Twitter (