Big fecking Orks Vs. Nuns with Guns?

Sorry I just ripped this title from Danie Ware’s tweet as she is the awesome wordsmith with her first Warhammer 40K novel. Big fecking Orks Vs. Nuns with Guns? My #BlackLibrary debut has gone live this morning! #womenintabletopgaming #40k — Danie Ware (@Danacea) March 19, 2018 Danie – who you may know from the …

Zombicide Goes Scifi!

Zombicide Invader

Zombicide: Invader will be the next miniature heavy board game in the Zombicide franchise. If you have been living away from Kickstarter and Boardgames you may not know that Zombicide is one of the biggest series of boardgames that has ever been released via Kickstarter. Zombicide is a cooperative board game that sees survivors working …